Organization of PhD School

Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC)

For more detailed information, follow the TAC Guide step by step.

TAC concept was implemented in September 2019 as a standard tool for CEITEC PhD School to provide a comprehensive system of individual quality assessment (IQA) of PhD students for the preparation of the defense. Every PhD student enrolled in a PhD Program under the CEITEC PhD school (Life Sciences and Biomedical Sciences, Molecular Medicine specialization) must be supervised and mentored during their studies by the TAC. The TAC is responsible for monitoring the student's progress and providing external advice and support to both the student and supervisor.

Setting up the TAC is the responsibility of the student, but the selection of committee members is carried out in cooperation between the student and the supervisor. TAC members should be selected and appointed during the first semester of study. The proposal of TAC members approved by the PhD student and the supervisor must be delivered to the PhD Studies Manager by the end of the first semester, and further approved by the Chair of the Doctoral Board of the particular programs (Life Sciences/Molecular Medicine).

The TAC should convene at least three times during the PhD student's career. All scheduled meetings are mandatory and must take place in predefined periods.

The PhD candidate's responsible for inviting the TAC members, arranging TAC meetings, and submitting the fully completed and signed TAC Assessment Reports in the "Homework Vaults" section in the Study Materials of the course S5013 TAC Meeting. The course S5013 TAC Meeting must be enrolled in the semester in which the TAC meeting takes place, and the fully completed and signed report must be submitted by the end of the exam period of the given semester!

Any change must be consulted with the Chair of the Doctoral Board and announced to the PhD Studies Manager.


Doctoral Boards

Life Sciences

Molecular Medicine (Biomedical Sciences)