How to aplly

Step 1. Select the Topic of Your Interest

Select some of the offered dissertation topics according to your interests and previous experiences. The topics available in this call are available HERE. If you have not selected your field of study yet, explore our web pages to get information about all the research groups you could join and work on your PhD project.

Step 2. Register

  • Please submit your CV and letter of interest via the Registration Form
  • Your registration package will be forwarded to the relevant supervisor for preliminary revision (round 1 of the admission process).
  • If the supervisor determines that you are a suitable candidate, you will be requested to submit a formal e-application to the Information System of Masaryk University (see Step 3).
  • The materials should be submitted by 7 October 2024 at the latest to secure enough time for careful revision of your application and to maintain the highest professional standards of the selection process.

Step 3. Submit the e-application (after approval of the supervisor) 

The online e-applications will be accepted from 1 September 2023 to 31 October 2024. Don´t apply without the approval of your potential supervisor.

  • E-application for Life Sciences applicants (Although the language of instruction is stated Czech, it is taught in English) - don´t worry and apply HERE
  • E-application for Molecular Medicine applicants (program Biomedical Sciences) - apply HERE.

For successful submission of the E-application, you will need to attach the following documents:

  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Letter of interest (specified form to be downloaded HERE)
  • Copies of diplomas (BSc., MSc.) and diploma supplements/transcripts of records (if you have not finished your Master's education yet, you can submit just the relevant transcripts of records). An acknowledgement of previous education is an essential condition for enrollment into doctoral study. More information about this process:
  • Two recommendations  (one of them has to be provided by the Master thesis supervisor/advisor) - Here is the FORM they can fill out. If your referee uses this option, please upload to the e-application a blank pdf file stating that your referees have already filled in the form.
  • Supervisor´s statement (must be signed by the potential supervisor)
  • English language certificate – optional, not compulsory

All documents must be in pdf format and in English.

Once the e-application is completed, an admission fee (in the amount set by the rules of the relevant faculty - FSci) must be paid. Suitable applicants will receive information about the date and place of the interview with the admission committee (round 2 of the admission process). 

In case of any questions, feel free to contact us at