Manuals and tips


PhD at MU - Informative Presentations

Presentations in PDF

Video presentations

Rights and Duties (MU Study and Examination Regulations)

Individual Study Plan

Grant Opportunities

International Cooperation

IS – Information System

IS is a system to administer your studies: submit your study plan, enroll in courses and exams, submit assignments, and view your grades. You can access it via, log in using your UČO (Univerzitní číslo osoby – University identification number).

Detailed guide for using the system.

Individual Study Plan - Short overview for students

Individual Study Plan - Short overview for supervisors

Individual Study Plan - Detailed information for students 

INET - Economic and Administrative Information System of MU

A system to administer your SUPO account, etc.

The MU Inet is accessible to any user provided with a password granting access to the secure section of the MU Information System.

How to connect to Wifi & LAN 

Setting up your email account

Services at MU

Electronic resources  - access to online journals

Software licenses  - MS Office, Matlab, antivirus and more

Libraries: a place to study in peace

Printing using your ISIC card 

Computer rooms  


Help options at MU

Contact your CEITEC ombudsperson

Contact the university ombudsperson

Students' rights, requests, appeals, and complaints at MU  

Sexual harassment  

Research Ethics Committee

Psychological Counselling

Are you not sure who to contact? Then contact the PhD Studies Coordinator at CEITEC MU to discuss your problem.

Czech Courses

Czech courses for free (everyday Czech, legal Czech, business Czech, medical Czech)

Open Science Course (e-learning)

Open Science Course in English

Open Science Course in Czech