CEITEC PhD School Conference 2024
CEITEC PhD School Conference is an annual event that aims to showcase the research results of PhD candidates. This event serves as a platform for PhD candidates to present their findings to peers, mentors, and principal investigators, fostering invaluable person-to-person interactions that remain irreplaceable in our technologically advanced age. Doctoral researchers have an amazing opportunity to train their presentation and communication skills within a familiar and supportive environment. This conference represents an excellent opportunity to learn what research is taking place in the laboratories across the CEITEC PhD School at Masaryk University.
The conference program includes oral presentations of research results of the 4th year students and poster presentations of the students of the 3rd, 5th and higher years.
Presentation sessions in B11/205
Each 4th-year PhD candidate delivers a 10-minute presentation introducing the research topic, methodology and results that have been achieved so far. Each presentation will be followed by a Q&A part.
Poster session in CEITEC atrium
Each 3th-year PhD candidate presents the poster and flash talk visually supported by one slide. Candidates in their 5th year and beyond present the poster. The poster session will be followed by an informal networking time.
More information and registration here.